07 March 2025, Friday

What is eduID?

eduID is the user authentication and authorisation federation of the Hungarian educational and research institutions. The aim of eduID is to allow the use of services of its members and partners in a mutually agreed, trusted way. When a user attempts to access such a service, it is their home institution that authenticates them to do and authorisation is based on the user information originating from their home institution.
See: national eduID website

What services may be used with eduID?

Office 365 for Education

Databases subscribed by University of Szeged.
The current list of the online sources available with eduID authentication: http://www.ek.szte.hu/english-online-resources-from-home/

The list of accessible services at the national eduID website

How can I enter these services?

First of all, if you are a student or faculty/staff, you have to register into our University's eduID system. If the registration is successful, you will get a username and select a password.

Having a username and a password, you have to go to the home page of the service, and look for a term such as “Login”. In the login menu, you will be asked first for your federation ("eduID" icon) and in a second step for your home organization ("Szegedi Tudományegyetem"). After selecting University of Szeged, you will arrive at a University webpage (https://idp.u-szeged.hu/...). You have to enter your credentials and consent to transfer your attributes to the service. If everything is all right, you can use the service as an authenticated and authorised user.

I have problems using eduID. Where can I get help?

You may contact the Help Desk Service of the Computer Centre.